Color can be intimidating to incorporate into everyday fashion, but it can actually enhance your features and make your outfit more unique. The key to color theory is your skin’s undertone. A glance at your wrist is a good indicator if you have warm, neutral, or cool undertones. According to Healthline if your veins appear to have a green tinge, you most likely have warm undertones. Cool undertones normally have blue or purple-looking veins. Warm undertones typically appear colorless, or a close match to your skin color.
With autumn approaching, people with warm undertones typically look best in earthy tones, such as amber or beige, and pastels, like lavender or peach. Especially during the summer months, gray and navy hues can actually clash with warmer complexions, but brighter colors can amplify your skin tone. Gold jewelry will most likely compliment you better, along with pearlescent hues.
Jewel tones tend to make cooler undertones pop, so consider colors like ruby or emerald. Neutral colors like black, gray, and white are good options as well, but it’s best to avoid warm tones, like yellow or orange, but instead opt for blues and purples. Silver jewelry enhances cool tones, whereas gold often makes them look pale.
Neutral tones are the most versatile, allowing for all shade ranges to amplify your natural colorings. Despite these recommendations, the only way to truly know what color you look best in is to experiment! Fashion has no limitations, and at the end of the day, wear whatever you feel confident in.